Website & RSVP

Transform the way people experience your events

Set up your registration form

Qmeeto makes setting up a registration form a dream. Simply select the questions you want to ask and in a few clicks your registration form will be seamlessly added to your event website.

Stay GDPR compliant

Our flexible registration builder lets you capture consent information when invitees sign up to an event. Everything from marketing permission custom fields to opt-in checkboxes.

Build an event website

No coding. Easy to customise. Simple. Our website builder allows you create a single or multi-page website from a range of themed design templates or create your own unique design.

Add your agenda

Creating an event agenda has never been easier. Simply add your sessions and they will be automatically added to your website in a nice clear structure that’s easy to read.


Make sure you’re GDPR compliant, manage your to-do list, create an event ticket